1 song and Childish takes home 4 at the 2019 Grammy's!
This one is going to be short because honestly it is just an extension on whether or not the Grammy's is even relevant anymore. Let me start by saying this music a subjective art form. My opinion is not stone, however I feel compelled to say I stand solidly behind my opinions. With that said, This is America by Childish Gambino was not some type of groundbreaking song. Usually I am consistently behind songs that have a message in rap, especially during this era where it is more important to just rhyme words that actually have substance. But holy hell we need to learn as a society to separate things from being great to just being great in the moment.
In the midst of controversy and turmoil between the disenfranchised blacks and minorities in America, Childish dropped a song to summarize the current state of affairs in American society as the under belly saw it. Now granted that is a phenomenal thing to do and this is not to take away from the gesture but without that context this song was not great. Vice verse one can make the claim that the song would not have been made in the first place if not for the current state of affairs in America so for that it serves it place and ultimately explains why that song is great. And to that I would agree, but only to the extent for being in that moment. The song was fantastic for that time, for that part in societal history. However, that does not mean that the actual song is good.
This was not "We Are The World", or "Fight The Power" or anything along those lines. These songs above mentioned are timeless songs that could be played for time and time to come, without losing both it's message and it's musicality and feel. No one is playing "This is America" anytime soon. And if people don't want to be honest about that then that is on them, but it is not a summertime smash, you're not playing it at the next cook out, and depending on the Hollywood film it may never even make multiple movie scores. However, it is the song that gets Childish four awards at the Grammy's. Rewarding things for just being good for two weeks is where the Grammy's have come too. Just be that "thing" for a second and it means that it's great. The truth is that just makes it a trend, like baby kittens who chase shadows and lights on the walls. So I guess that means Childish deserves a Social Media Award more than a Grammy.